Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Finally, this album is released! I have been waiting for a new full-length from Leviathan to come out for the past four years! I remember when I bought "The Tentacles of Whorror" in a local mom and pop store. I drove around listening to it at 10:00 at night. It was outside that day from rain so the creepy atmosphere present in the music was the soundtrack to my driving, whether in was out in farmlands or in the suburbs. So what is different this time 'round, you might be asking? Well at times I want to say that compared to "The Tenth Sub Level of Suicide", Wrest may have gone back to his roots black metal wise. The album begins with an ambient section and then starts blasting but there are weird noises throughout to add to the atmosphere already present from instrumentation. The things that always catch my ear is is he will play the regular riffs and then he will harmonize it with either a keyboard, an ebow, or another guitar riff. It's because of the sporadic use of these harmonies and counter-melodies that I have become addicted to this album. It is very chaotic, but also very melodic. It reminds me of a Joy Division album done up in a black metal fashion, still depressing and suicidal but very hateful and very pissed off. Also, because of the change in melodies along with the noises, it continuously reminds me of an acid trip. I highly recommend this album. I have owned it for three days and have listened to it 11 times already. (ZH)

So me being a Dax Riggs fan and all, I picked this up on another day of me stumbling around sedated because of my hate for the public. Anyone who knows Dax Riggs knows he is very versatile. He can go from hardcore-ish screaming death to depressed bluesy howls. Well "We Are the Nightsky" tends to follow the blues part mixed in with the raw feel of punk. It has a very southern bar feel to it. The guitars don't have much distortion to them but it does give the music more of a rock feel. The best comparison I have for this band is The White Stripes. Both bands consist of two people: a male guitarist and a female drummer. It's not bad music in the least. Either the songs have a clean guitar playing with harmonized vocals or it has a hard rocking feel, the rockin' kind of sound you drink to at some bar in the middle of nowhere. I hope that maybe they will gain some some fame after this release because I think they deserve it. (ZH)

This is quite a hard album for me to review, to a certain extent. At the time I bought the CD I was heavily medicated on many different medications that seemed to be contradicting each other. So I was a different person and extremely hateful towards anyone who was near me. This album was the soundtrack for me everyday. This is as violent as it gets, I think. You can listen to this album and backstab someone with no regrets, which I did on several occasions. This album reeks of hate, if you hear it you will know what I mean. Pig Destroyer has upped the ante by adding a keyboardist/sample player to the group. Pig Destroyer apparently loved working with Merzbow so they wanted the noise element to be permanent. So here n' there you get static playing with the music. It actually all works very well. Some of my favorite tracks on the album are "Heathen Temple", with its rocking guitar riffs and lyrics like "This heathen temple will stand tall till the day I die!" or "The Machete Twins" which ends the album with the lyrics "They got cornered last year in a Nashville hotel. THEY HAD TO CHOP A WHOLE SWAT TEAM TO PIECES!"What you get in the end is what happens when you give a schizophrenic LSD and a butcher knife. This album is that soundtrack. Enojy it while you're still sane! (ZH)

A friend had recommended this album to me years ago because of my pessimism towards people. Well I refused to listen to it for a while because of its association with grindcore. Well as I got older my taste has opened in many directions. I picked up this CD and this band is high up there on my list of great bands. When you open this album, it comes with a very well-written story of a girl's nightmare about an old boyfriend and soon the nightmare turns into reality. The lyrics within the album revolve around such themes. Women will fuck you over faster than meth addicts seems to be the message written in here. The music is very violent and fast. This helps the delivery of the vocals in the best way possible. Whereas it isn't focusing on the violent action but the mood that is in place when doing violent actions. The album is pretty short at being 32 minutes long while having 21 songs on it. On the other hand, the album comes with a DVD titled "Natasha" which seems to bring it all to an end that is very doomy in sound. (ZH)

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