Monday, October 12, 2009


Well the eagle has landed. One of the most anticipated releases of the year is finally upon us. Whether their "break-up" stunt of several years ago was just that, a stunt, to generate further interest in the band is something I've always wondered. Then again, in the YouTube and MySpace and Guitar Hero age, nothing is left undiscovered for long as is. Continuing down their path of more traditional heavy metal with black metal vocals since "At the Heart of Winter" many moons ago, Immortal have yet to disappointed this bitter and jaded metal veteran, especially in the way many of their Norwegian countrymates (who shall remained unnamed simply because I'm downright tired of saying them) have in the name of SELLING OUT. Yes, I said that, because that's the straight reality of it. Anyway, sure, I worried when I heard Immortal was signing to Nuclear Blast with their previous "Sons of Northern Darkness", and with good reason. Thankfully, that turned out to be unfounded. That album did not lack in ANY way, shape, or form. Now flash-forward to seven years and an alleged "break-up" later, and we have more of the same. Cold, emotional, and dark black metal with plenty of older traditional metal use, for all the better. Semi-long songs that don't bore or drift off into oblivion. Expect nothing but absolute Immortal in their finest form. The wait was well worth it! (FA)

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