Tuesday, April 29, 2008


The mere mention of this one-man band will either make you groan or swear some sort of allegiance for reasons you probably can't even figure out. The subject of countless underground and mainstream media circuses and the centerpiece for when many metal encyclopedias begin to delve into the realm of black metal, Kristian Vikernes/Varg Vikernes/Count Grishnack has been discussed with fierce determination for a time frame spanning two decades and wearing a shirt of his glaring mug holding a club (which happens to grace the cover of this release) is a fashion statement in its own way. After x numbers of bootlegs (including another one called "Anthology' that was beyond shoddy), we finally have an OFFICIAL collection of cuts from each Burzum album that conveniently flow in chronological order. The progression in sound from raw black from to synth-heavy and length black metal dirges to mere MIDI and synth medieval soundscapes recorded from jail. It's a rather cursory look at a storied and trouble career that according to various sources may or may not continue after his release from prison, and that date has still yet to be determined. If you're new to all this hoopla, this is as good an introduction to black metal as anything. It's still is no excuse to not purchase each and every one of his albums as soon as you can. (FA)
www.candlelightrecordsusa.com, www.burzum.org

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